Get Involved


We at The Place of Grace Foundation rely solely on donations to operate. 100% of the donations received, in England or in Thailand, go to fund the Place of Grace. Any contributions big or small are greatly received and used to further the work that God is doing with these precious children and their families. If you are local to Bangkok, we also gratefully accept donations of food, furniture, toys, and school supplies.


We always have opportunities for volunteers to come long or short term to help out and learn what life is like in Thailand. You can volunteer at the learning centre, the food bank, the clubs, or all of them. We’d love to hear from you.

Sponsor a child

Our learning centre is fully dependent on donations. To give each child the resources they need to succeed at school and have a healthy meal once a day, we offer a sponsorship program. Through this program, you can sponsor a child’s studies and get to know them through regular correspondence, all done with data protection procedures via our UK trustees. Our students love having a sponsor, because they strive hard to make their sponsor proud of them.

Get in touch